Policy Recommendations
At EU level
• Make the promotion and implementation of evidence-based practice a political priority, and endorse those methodologies, such as SEDIN, which have proved successful in the classroom.
• Continue funding projects such as SEDIN because of the benefits it provides educators from disparate parts of Europe to learn with and from each other, and because for some regions, the EU can be the only source of funding for such initiatives.
• Improve co-ordination and dialogue between the European Commission and national education ministries. Frequently a promising initiative funded by the Commission does not receive ongoing support of national governments.
At national / state level
• Mandate, promote, and provide guidance for professional development nationwide to include creative methodologies.
• Adapt the national system of assessment to take account of children’s participation in such methodologies, and the learning and social competences they promote.
• Extend or create funding streams that promote collaboration between grassroots organisations, schools and academics to develop, evaluate and model for others practices which enhance learning.
• Provide opportunities for such research and development over time, rather than one-off opportunities, and ensure the quality assurance structure to ensure initiatives are realised.
• Devolve decision making away from the centre and closer to the schools generally, and specifically to participate in initiatives such as this without teachers needing permission to do so.
• Apply more focus on creating demographic equilibrium across schools in any given locality to close the disparity between some schools having 90% RMM children, and neighbouring schools only 10%.
• Reduce class sizes to better facilitate group work.
At local level
• Organise a regular programme of professional development across schools in any given locality so that practices like SEDIN can become mainstreamed.
• Provide permission and guidance for schools to plan in time specifically for professional development and learning, and provide a dedicated mentor/coach for the locality to support implementation of new practice / continuous professional development in training sessions and in the classroom. Ideally each school would have such an individual.
Emulate the example of some local authorities which encourage headteachers to implement practices which have evidence of effectiveness and provide (co-)funding to support implementation.